181.) Broad Hinton, White Horse, UK (2016)
The essence of the Trinity. The essence brings us to our inner rhythm. Harmony between body, mind and soul. We return to the sense of unity and feel the connection with God.
182.) Broad Hinton, Hackpen Hill, Sharks, UK (2016)
Cropcircle shows two sharks. Purification by lack awareness. Love versus fear. (Brexitsituation). Liberation from lack awareness. We learn that when we do things with intelligence, everything is available in abundance. We learn our fears to be aware and let go and increase our energy towards the heart.
183.) Stonhenge, UK (2016)
Formation opposite Stonehenge. It connects us with our feet, with our roots. We draw from the inner strength of our origins and past. We are aware of our inner strength, to meet the challenges of the present and the future. The essence cleanses ambiguities and doubts and gives us strong vitality and confidence in the union with God, our Creator.
184.) Figsbury Ring Woodborough, Lion, UK (2016)
Formation shows a lion's head. It strengthens our confidence and our strength. The self-confidence is strengthened and connects to the heart's energy. We will energetically into our midst and draw from the inner peace and strength.
185.) Mammendorf, D (2016)
Cropcircle shows to perfection the number PHI of the sacred geometry. The reminder of the interconnectedness of all life with God. The essence has an energetically regenerative effect on the original cell information of the DNA in their original condition. Activation of the self-healing powers. The human comes in his energetic centers.
186.) Tripple spiral Delley-Portalban Switzerland 2017
The crop circle originated in the German / French-speaking border area ("Röstigraben"). Tripple spiral with the three main circles in counterclockwise direction. The essence has a strong purifying effect, it allows us to let go old experiences and painful memories. It frees us internally, opens us for communication and helps us to approach others without prejudice and to be open to each other.
187.) Boreham Wood Lockeridge, UK 2017
Creation of the heart. It connects with the feet and the heart center. We develop a strong spiritual connection. We develop our creative power from our heart, from the smallest to the largest structure. The healing powers are stimulated.
188.) Thorn Hill, East Kennett UK (2017)
Crop circle of inner equilibrium. The essence creates a balance between the top and the bottom. It helps people who are spiritual, to come to the bottom of reality and accept it, and secondary it helps, very “material people”, also to develop an intellectual spiritual dimension . An inner balance.
189.) Hackpen Hill, Broad Hinton UK (2017)
Establish the connection from above downwards and cleanse us where we are not act from our inner connection to God and from our center (Hearts). It can not change the past, but our point of view. A crystal clear structure. The divine light as the inspiration of all creation and doing.
190.) Cley Hill Warminster, UK (2017)
Flower with platonic bodies. "The Beauty of Creation". From the smallest structure the great whole is formed. Everything happens according to God's plan. The formation reminds us of the divine spark in us. And everybody is connected to each other. The light radiates from the heart into all cells.
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