Among the most fascinating ongoing research projects involving the crop circle formations is that of attempting to capture their vibrational impact and multidimensional information and energy within the Crop Circle Essences.
Since 1996, Andreas Korte, whose PHI Essences line of flower essences is well known in Europe and many other countries, has joined researchers Dr. Chet and Kallista Snow in the English countryside. Since 2001 also in Germany to experience the energies of several major formations and to preserve the energy information they contain in Mother-Earth- Essences. Since 1996 many such essences have been produced.
These unique essences represent multi-dimensional information, taken not only from the symbolic forms of various circles but also by their unique vibrational impact on both human observers and on Mother Earth, herself. These essences in effect preserve the impact of the circles, which themselves are only temporarily present, as they disappear when the farmer harvests the crop and re-plows the field, so that their energy may be used later.
Starting in the late 1980s, immediately following the Mid-August 1987 "Harmonic Convergence" announced by the ancient Mayan calendar, the formation phenomenon has grown exponentially. So that today, over 100 formations appear annually in more than a dozen countries as far apart as Australia, Germany, Canada and the USA. Nonetheless, the vast majority of circles each year flourishes in the same southern English countries where they were first noticed in 1978.
Therefore, with the advent of a new summer growing season, numerous researchers, photographers, artists, tour guides and others intrigued by the phenomenon flock to the fields. They explore what gifts the "circle-makers" will next present for our inspection and wonder.
Photo by Nick Bull
Crop Circle - A secret algorithm ?
Can be used to re-activate especially sacred sites, thereby opening the collective unconscious, raising group vibrations and accelerating the self healing and balancing properties of Mother Earth. Also, since the year 2000 they have become a key component of Andreas Korte`s unique HOLISTIC LIGHT TREATMENT (HLT)® light- , colour-, vibrational transmission process, which forms the basis of the “health-houses” work. For more information, please see his web site
The Elixirs help us to integrate the self-healing properties of the other gem, flower, orchid and animal essences, such as the dolphin essence, to rebalance our energies at both the cosmic and the smallest levels of our physical body.
When using these crop circle essences you need to use your intuition and testing methods: Such as the pendulum, kinesiology or pulse testing to determine which essences correspond to the healing and consciousness-raising work you hope to accomplish.
Welcome to these powerful healing tools.
It is important to use only one or a few essences at a time and not to mix the energies of the whole collection or even one entire year's stock. These cropcircle essences still represent an unfinished alphabet and a first-level energy approach to the entire crop circle phenomenon.
Just as no one has yet actually witnessed a circle in actual formation, nor produced a credible photographic record of their formation. So we are very aware that these essence descriptions represent only a part of this multi-dimensional message that the "circle-makers" are presenting to us and to Mother Earth in these times of change and rising awareness.
They help us to heal and preserve the life-giving qualities of our Mother Earth both for us and for future generations to enjoy.